For those interested, it works!
I managed to improve AI times by around 6-7%, or 4–6 seconds per lap, on medium tracks like the historic RO course or SO town.
My empirical hunch was that the AI drove the original in-game cars better than the modded ones. And that seems to be true. It only took me a few minutes to create supercharged, stable versions of the original GTRs that don't run out of fuel in the last 3 laps of the race. The gaming experience is completely revolutionized.
Before, I started in thirty-second position. And in 3 laps maximum, I was in first position. My only chance of having an interesting race was to get knocked off the track at least three times. It's fun, but not all the races...

Even though I love this game, I would have moved on (that's why I hadn't played LFS for almost 10 years before taking my steering wheel out of the closet).
Now I live in paradise

. I have to fight 20 laps with Ai to gain 4 places. In one session, I have already improved my times by a few tenths on my favorite traks. I discover the pleasure of starting from my last position without having to systematically start from the bottom of the ranking so as not to get too bored.
I didn't speed up the AI further because what I got is my current level (I'm playing H-gearbox with clutch using default setup except gearbox). But it is entirely possible to make the AI work even faster with this method.
I can't believe I've been waiting for this for 10 years when it was so easy to drastically improve the AI almost without doing anything! And what works offline can work on servers. Can you imagine the change it would bring if the starting grids were completed with truly competitive AIs? Of course, this solution is not perfect. But while waiting for better...
The bad news is that I did it in a hurry, in a way that prohibits me from publishing it, and I don't have the time or the skills to do better.
Also, I thought that the modder(s) who would bring an official, clean, and common version of a competitive AI would be welcomed as heroes by those who play or train with the AI.
If the modders don't, everyone will polish their stuff in their corner in their own way by all possible and imaginable means. And it's not good for the game or for modders. Let's not forget that the mod system has opened Pandora's box...